
cutting balde tungsten carbide

The fabrication of carbide is a field from powder metallurgy. Our cutting blades made of quality carbide are produced through a highly complex production process. This „HM“ quality selected by us combines hardness, crack resistance and corrosion resistance, and is therefore ideally suited for use in the plastics industry.
Sintering the threaded holes into the carbide body has proven to be a clear technological advantage, and has been very well established on the market for many years.
„Washing out” of the threaded holes on the „product side“ is avoided by this design.
There is no need for additional materials such as steel threaded bushes or machining, which could weaken the carbide blade and make it brittle due to the application of heat during brazing with stresses.
Aggressive process water can also cause corrosion on the steel bushing and braze, damaging the bond with the carbide, which can lead to braze failure.

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